
lørdag den 25. februar 2012

Around the World

Elvia laver dej til tortillas // Elvia making dough for the tortillas

Sheily laver slide show // Sheily making the slide show

Noer fra Palestina laver henna // Noer from Palestine is doing henna

Saleem from Palestine

Lasse klædt ud som en konge fra Rwanda // Lasse dressed as a king from Rwanda

Musik og dans fra Rwanda // Music and dance from Rwanda

Alle er i køkkenet og klar til at lave tortillas // Everyone in the kitchen - ready to make tortillas

Emilie er vild med tortillas // Emilie is crazy about the tortillas

Det er Christina også // And so is Christina

Emilie prøver selv kræfter med at lave tortillas // Emilie is trying to make tortillas herself

Slut resultatet og en tilfreds Emilie // The end result and a happy Emilie

Christina elsker stadig tortillas // Christina still loves them!

Palæstinænsisk dans // Palestinian dance

Jordansk dans // Jordanian dance

Sheily & Nina

Onsdag aften på ungdomslederkurset havde temaet: "Around The World". Det betød at alle lande, som var repræsenteret på kurset, skulle forberede noget underholdning, som sagde noget om det pågældende land. Det var en skøn aften og det var så fedt at opleve alle de mange forskellige kulturer i spil. Elvia og Sheily havde på egen hånd planlagt, hvad de ville bidrage med fra Honduras. Elvia havde aftalt med køkkenet, at hun skulle lave noget dej til tortillas og så skulle folk selv lave dem. Derudover havde pigerne lavet et rigtig fint slide-show med billeder og informationer omkring Honduras. Tortillasene var en stor succes og det var alt i alt en super dejlig aften!

Wednesday evening on the youth leader course had the theme "Around the World". That meant that all the countries represented on the course had to prepare some kind of entertainment which said something about the country. It was a lovely evening and it was so cool to experience all the different cultures in action. Elvia and Sheily had on their own prepared what they wanted to contribute with from Honduras. Elvia has made a deal with the kitchen that she could make some dough for tortillas and then people had to make them themselves. Besides that had the girls made a very good slide show with pictures and informations about Honduras. The tortillas was a great success and all in all it was a wonderful evening!

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