
torsdag den 3. maj 2012

Charla de Financia // Økonomi workshop

Emilie var aftenens bankdame // Emilie had a job in the bank for the night

Sheily was in charge of university, hospital and schools

We had help from two Danish volunteers; Peter and Mads Emil

Christina passing out star cards

Suly, Mano and Cinia (Mano and Cinia where married just for tonight)

Mads Emil, Alexander and Peter

I aften havde vi en workshop med ungdomsgruppen. Workshoppen handlede om økonomi og hvordan de skal håndtere penge, når de engang forlader Emmanuel. Christina lavede først et lille oplæg om hvad man skal bruge penge på, når man bor selv osv. Derefter havde vi en aktivitet, som var et slags mini-samfund. De unge fik hver i sær en "profil", hvor der stod, hvilket arbejde de havde, hvor meget de fik i løn, social status (gift, single, børn eller ej) hvad de skulle betale i husleje, transport udgifter og andre udgifter såsom til universitet, skole til deres "børn" eller til medicin. De skulle så lave et budget, for at få en ide om, om de kunne få deres økonomi til at løbe rundt. Derefter skulle de så ud til nogle forskellige stationer; banken for at få deres løn, supermarkedet for at købe mad, betale husleje til deres udlejer og andre stationer til de andre udgifter. Der var også en station med "stjerne kort", hvor de enten fik en uventet udgift eller indtægt.
Efter aktiviteten havde vi en evaluering, hvor de unge kunne dele deres oplevelser af aktiviteten og fortælle, hvad de havde lært. Det gik alt i alt rigtig godt, og det var dejligt at se alle de unge deltage!

Tonight we had a workshop with the youth group. The workshop was about economy and how to handle money whenever they leave Emmanuel. First Christina sad something about different kinds of expenses. After that we had an activity which was a kind of "mini-society". They all got a "profile" which said what job they had, how much they got paid each month, their social status (married, single, kids or no kids), how much they had to pay in rent, transport expenses, and other expenses like university, school for their kids or medicine. They had to do a budget to see if it all worked out. After that they had to go to different "stations"; the bank to get their money, the supermarket to buy food, pay rent to their landlord and other stations for other expenses. There was also a station with "star cards", where they either received an unexpected income or expense. 
After the activity we had an evaluation where the youth could share their experiences with the activity and share what they had learned. All in all it went really well and it was nice to see all the youth participate!   

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